Adults (14+ years) martial arts students train Japanese Jiujitsu which is a full standup, ground fighting, weapons and knife defence training system that is unique to our school. In recent years Self Defence has become more important, with crime on the rise and the use of weapons increasing many people have turned their attention towards taking responsibility for their own and their families self protection.
We have a full range of Self Defence techniques, joint locks and controls are common in most techniques (any joint on the body can be locked). Striking is done with all parts of the body such as hands, elbows, head, knees, kicking etc. These are usually done while at the same time applying Pressure Points and Nerve Strikes to slow the attacker down.
Shinobu Dojo is run by Andrew Netes shihan
He travels to Japan to train and tech on average every 12 weeks.
He is a direct student to Soke (Hatsumi) and the Japanese Shihan
Shinobu Dojo is affiliated with the Bujinkan Hombu in Japan.
We teach 9 ryu's (schools) of the Japanese Ju jitsu and Kobudo as taught to the Samurai.
All grades and membership are issues by the Hombu.