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Australia » Queensland » Mansfield » GKR Karate International

GKR Karate International

GKR Karate International is a Martial Arts School offering Karate classes in Mansfield, Australia for kids, men and women. GKR Karate International is Located at 23 Dividend Street. If you are associated with this Dojo, please provide additional information such as class schedule, Website address etc. There is no cost.

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GKR Karate International location Map
23 Dividend Street
Mansfield, QLD-4122
Phone: (07) 3811 0682

Martial Art Styles

The following Martial Arts Styles are offered at GKR Karate International:

  • Karate

Programs & Class Schedule

Karate classes are available for children and adults. Daytime and evening classes offered all year round on various weekdays. Please contact GKR Karate International for exact class hours for different age groups.

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Would you like more information on hours, classes and programs available at GKR Karate International? Please contact the school with your questions.

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If you are associated with GKR Karate International in Mansfield, Australia, please add additional information to this page like school's Website, class schedule, school introduction and more. There is no cost. Update this Page.

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