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Australia » Australian Capital Territory » Dickson » Master Barry Jordan Taekwondo Academy

Master Barry Jordan Taekwondo Academy

Taekwondo is the art of self-defense that originated in Korea. It is recognized as one of the oldest forms of martial arts in the world, reaching back over 2,000 years. The name was selected for its appropriate description of the art: Tae (foot), Kwon (hand), Do (art).

The five main beliefs or tenets of our Club are:

• Courtesy

• Integrity

• Perseverance

• Self-control

• Indomitable spirit

This style of exercise has also shown to improve core strength, flexibility, balance, and cardio fitness. It teaches skills that can improve self-confidence, discipline, focus, mental and physical stamina. It can also help with weight reduction, stress management and muscle toning.

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Master Barry Jordan Taekwondo Academy location Map
185 Phillip Ave Dickson ACT
185 Phillip Ave Dickson
Dickson, ACT-2602
Phone: 0427467557

Martial Art Styles

The following Martial Arts Styles are offered at Master Barry Jordan Taekwondo Academy:

  • Tae Kwon Do

Programs & Class Schedule

Dickson College
184 Phillip Ave, Dickson, ACT

6:00 pm - 7:00 pm (Taekwondo All Belts)

9:00 am - 10:00 am (Taekwondo All Belts)

Dickson College
184 Phillip Ave
Dickson, ACT 2602

Self Defence
Kickboxing Fitness

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