POW Martial Arts classes cater for all levels of Tae Kwon-Do. Martial Arts
will teach values such as setting goals, self-esteem or believing in one-self,
persistence, self-control, self-confidence and most importantly self-discipline.
Our lessons will provide challenges for the entire body, developing coordination, balance, agility and poise and most of all control. TAE KWON-DO is an individual sport so we encourage children at all times to do THEIR BEST, we are not training to win a race, but to achieve mini goals and ultimately our BLACK BELTS. We will assist each child in finding their strengths and developing weaknesses into strengths. By promoting confidence we can assist the child in reaching their goals and dreams, no matter how long it takes, we always promote a CAN DO attitude in a disciplined environment.
At POW Martial Arts we like to keep things simple. The benefits of training in Martial Arts, Self Defense and Tae Kwon-Do are not only physically, mentally and socially, but will help you in ways you could never imagine;
You can take up training no matter what your age or fitness level is -
Start to look and feel great
Lose weight
More energy
Better sleep
Cardio workouts
Gain confidence
Social engagement
Build Core Strengths – back, shoulders and pelvis
Develop your self – esteem
Add some challenges to your life
Learn Self Defense
Exercise with others who are looking for the same outcomes
Have fun training as a family
ENJOY training with friends
Call us know for your free 2 week trial classes 0468 477 951