Bushido (pronounced boo shee doe) is the ancient moral code of the Samurai, and can be literally translated as “The way of the warrior”, and is loosely analogous to the concept of chivalry.
The Bushidō code is typified by seven virtues:
Rectitude/Duty (義, gi)
Courage (勇, yuu)
Benevolence (仁, jin)
Respect/Politeness (礼, rei)
Honesty/Truthfulness (誠, makoto or 信 shin)
Honour (誉, yo)
Loyalty (忠, chuu)
It is with these virtues in mind that the Bushido Martial Arts instructors pass on their teachings and shape their students, always trying to make them better people, better members of our community. These principles are reflected in our slogan;
"Traditional Values in a Modern Style"