Welcome to StreetSafe®
Strategies to influence the Balance of Conflict and Ensure your Survival
In Australia in 2010, 171,083 people were reported as victims of crime against the person. (See foot note below)
As a society we readily acknowledge the importance of other survival skills our first lessons as a child include road traffic safety, electrical safety, water safety, fire safety and others. We learn these skills and as we get older we hone our skills with first-aid training, surf swimming strategies, workplace and home based fire drills. We insure our homes and their contents, our car and some of us even take out life insurance. What we lack is a way to ensure our survival and well being when we are on our way to work
StreetSafe training is a vital “insurance” that is mostly ignored or overlooked. Our training program is designed to ensure your personal safety and that of your family.