Why Join Yoseikan-Ryu Karate?
Yoseikan-Ryu Karate has earned a reputation over the years for teaching a high standard of karate. In these times of sophisticated marketing it is easy to be duped into joining karate organisations which have instructors teaching with suspect qualifications.
It is important that you join a reputable karate club. The only way to guarantee an organisation's credentials is to make sure that the school you are joining is a registered member of the Australian Karate Federation. If they are not, save your money. To confirm any club's membership and the instructor's qualifications, phone the Australian Karate Federation in your state.
The Australian Karate Federation is the only karate organisation recognised by the Ministry of Sport & Recreation and by the Australian Sports Commission.
Health and Fitness
Karate is one of the best activities which provides both aerobic and anaerobic benefits. It is a balanced exercise for both upper and lower body utilizing a wide range of body movements which can also be used for self-defence.
Build a strong body and improve your balance, coordination and timing and live to a healthy old age.
Fun Activity
Karate is a great activity to interact with others and build a strong sense of belonging and friendship. Yoseikan hosts annual camps where all students get an opportunity to socialise with the instructors. Yoseikan-Ryu Karate is a family orientated organisation.
Yoseikan-Ryu Karate has direct lineage to Japan. This lineage gives credibility to the Australian Yoseikan Organisation. It is imperative that karate maintains it's traditional heritage. There are too many "so called" masters teaching martial arts in Australia. You can be assured that all Yoseikan gradings are nationally and internationally recognised and the instructors are fully qualified.
Enjoy the thrills of competition and pursue the rewards of being a champion. We teach sport and traditional karate.
Achieve an effective self-defence ability to help you through today's troubling times. Prepare you and your family for the future.