The study of Martial Arts began thousands of years ago in China. The principles stressed in Martial Arts philosophy are Humility, Discipline, Respect, Confidence, Mental Alertness, and a positive attitude towards life.
We encourage the participation of women, men, children, parents and grandparents, because everyone can benefit from the study of Martial Arts.
We treat all students with respect.
We emphasise the positive attributes of our students, helping them to gain self-esteem and achieve higher goal.
Achieving Black Belt is a multiyear goal and yet our promotions set short-term objectives, which allow students to keep an eye on the long term goal, their Black Belt.
Our mission is to develop positive, respected and contributing members of a productive society through the complete discipline of Zenshin, which unites mind, body and spirit.
1. We aim to promote a positive self-image and pride, honesty, integrity, courtesy and dignity
2. Students learn to set goals and be self-motivated in achieving them.
3. A positive mental attitude is a high priority goal that our instructors aim to instill in all our students
4. We reinforce these objectives through the student creed, the school creed and the Black Belt creed